Saturday, July 7, 2012

Picnics in Paris!

Yesterday we were able to sleep in a little and get ready for a fun picnic by the Seine. We went to the grocery store and bought bread, cheese, wine, strawberries, olives and pasta.

Voila! :)

Simple picnics like this are perfect! We seriously had a blast. I wish we could do this every day and I may even encourage Daniel to take me on picnics when I get home! :) 

I'm having a blast here, but I've got to be more frugal! Everything here is just so expensive and I want to do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE! Today hasn't been a very nice day. I've been relaxing and working on things for school. 

It's raining outside, and the sound is so lovely. We leave the windows open in our room because they don't have air conditioning. I actually really enjoy having the windows open. We can hear everything on the street. All the busy people and cars. It makes me feel like I should get out right now and go do something, but i'm enjoying working on my blog.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention to the bridge with the love locks on it! It was so fun walking across the bridge and looking at all the different locks that people put up for their lovers, or even best friends! I will post some pictures of my favorite.

Aren't they beautiful? I may go put one on the bridge for me and Daniel! :)



Thursday, July 5, 2012

Favorite pictures of Paris so far...

I should set this up for you. Tuesday was our field trip day with the Hemingway class. We went to Montmartre where Moulin Rouge is. We walked through this cute neighborhood and up the steep hill, and many steps. The walk was long, and I definitely got my exercise for the day. At the top of the hill was the Sacre coeur. Sacre coeur means "Sacred Heart." It was amazing.

I'm definitely hanging this on my wall when I get home. It's just beautiful!

As I was standing there I began to think (disclaimer: I don't know very much about this church, except that it's beautiful and provides a great view of the city) of the people in the little neighborhood down the hill and imagined them walking to church, up all those steps and never complaining once like I wanted to. I think that may have been what stopped me from complaining. Who could complain about going to see something so gorgeous? The people who attended the church probably walked up that steep hill often and enjoyed every moment, so I will too. 

From the church we had an incredible view of the city. I want to go back and see it at night time. 

It's like i'm in another world.

Do you think the people who see this view every day still marvel at how wonderful it is?




Paris est belle

Every morning at the Fiap (where we are living in Paris) we get to wake up to the lovely sound of construction right across the street. It's just wonderful....

...i'm kidding about it being wonderful.

But, since i'm up, I will blog! :)

Sunday we went to Claude Monet's gardens and it was so gorgeous. Unfortunately for me, I was exhausted that day. I felt like the jet lag and staying up late from the concert all hit me. However, I got over it and enjoyed the once in a lifetime opportunity. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the garden:

 It's pink, of course I love it!

Best friends in the garden! :)

Now tell me this isn't beautiful. Does this look familiar to anyone?:)

Funky flowers!

The gardens were beyond beautiful. I would like to go back and spend some more time there. 
After the gardens we drove a little ways to see where van Gogh is buried. We had to walk across this huge wheat field to get to the cemetery, but it was a lot of fun and very beautiful in the country side.

The pretty red flower is called a poppie! They were everywhere! 

 The group in the wheat field!

Our final destination, van Gogh's (and his brother) grave!

I know some of these pictures are probably truly boring to my facebook friends, because none of these pictures do France justice. The beauty here is overwhelming! 



Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I cannot believe that I am in Paris. It is so amazing here! We arrived on Friday, I can't even remember what time. I did not feel jet lag at all. I think I was just so excited I could barely stand it!

However, as soon as we got here we stayed busy 24/7. Which is GREAT! I was just incredibly exhausted yesterday. Which is why i'm just now blogging.

First I will start with how nice the people here are. I bought an international phone and I could not get over how incredibly helpful and kind the people were in the store. They spoke some English and I attempted a little French. It was fun! Also, the people anywhere have been nice as long as we try to speak a little French and be polite everyone is happy! Just like in America, people are rude to you if you are rude to them. Just say "Bonjour! Comment allez-vous" which is "Hello! How are you?" and "excusez moi" or "excuse me" Simple words can go a long way! :)

We went to the Louvre on Saturday, bright and early! It was a blast though! I will post my favorite pictures from there!

"The Nike"

 Statue with cupids hand on her back
The detail in this is amazing in person.

Saturday night I went with my best friends to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. I don't know that much about them, but I seriously had a blast. We had to run to get to the concert because we were late, but looking back at that it was a lot of fun. After the concert we had to get through the HUGE crowd to make it to the last metro ride home! It was intense, but so much fun! I want to do it again!

Everything here is so busy all the time. Which explains why I'm just now blogging. We never have a moment to even think it feels like. I've enjoyed being out in Paris, but I am thankful for this down time i'm having right now. 

I miss everyone back at home, but i'm having the time of my life! I'm so lucky to be here! I will try to do better at posting, but I should cut this one off because it is long! 

Au revoir!

oh, P.S. Mrs. Eisenhart, if you are reading this, I went to Notre Dame on Monday evening to listen to the Gregorian Chants and they sang in Latin. It was beautiful! I will post the words from the program later! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Getting ready for Paris.... not easy.

But it's fun! :)

I think it has been kind of stressful for me because I had to pack up my room in Statesboro and move everything home. My roommates and I are moving to a new house in the fall! :)

So, all my stuff was jumbled up in a big mess! However, i've found most of everything I need! I'm missing my Nook charger though, and that is kind of depressing. I will find it in that mess somewhere!

So if you know me, you probably know i'm a TERRIBLE packer. I pack WAY more things than I need. It never fails. I can't really afford to do this for my trip to Paris. Seriously, the word "afford" is acceptable because it costs like $100 (or more, I can't remember) for a suitcase that weighs over 50 pounds! Now, 50 pounds sounds like a lot, but for 5 weeks I could pack waaaaay more than that!

But i've done good, I think. I packed basic capris and tops that match pretty much all the capris. I also packed cute little cardigans! :) I love them! I have some nice dresses that can be dressy or casual!  I have my cute rainjacket and umbrella also!

Now my biggest problem will be the shoes. I love my shoes, they are so cute. I don't know which ones to bring!! Whatever, i'll figure that out later.

I'll stop rambling about packing and inform you on what you could look forward to from my blog!

First of all, i'm going with my friends to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. Now, I don't know that much about them. But, my brothers use to listen to their music and I do know a few of their songs! One of my best friends, Melissa LOVES them! So i'm excited to experience that with her! I've been listening to their music so I can hopefully sing along with her! haha! :)

But other than that, expect posts about the Lourve, Eiffel Tower, Palace of Versailles, any of the gardens that we will picnic in with our baggettes and wine! I hope we get to go to Nice also! I know there is A TON more that we will do, but I just realized this is getting long!

I'll keep it updated!

Disclaimer: I may be an English major, but I never claim to be a wonderful writer. Just going with the flow and trying to save these memories forever! I hope you still enjoy reading! :) I will post pictures, hopefully that will make it a little more exciting!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

I'm living a dream

I just celebrated my one year anniversary with the most amazing guy I know. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful this past year has been with him. We have had our ups and downs, just as every one does. Somehow, we have made it through. I know we have grown together as a couple. We have found flaws in each other, but still love just the same. Daniel is the most patient person in the world for putting up with me.

However, another hard time for us is coming up soon. I'm leaving for Paris on June 28th for five weeks. That's right, FIVE weeks. I'll be studying Hemingway with some of my best friends, but i'll be missing Daniel. Luckily for me, he is very supportive and excited for me as well. I know we will be fine, but we will just miss each other entirely too much.

But i'll be back, on August 3rd and I know he will be waiting for me!

I truly am living a dream life. I have the best family who supports my decision to study in Paris, a great boyfriend who loves me unconditionally, and amazing friends to travel on this journey with!

I can't believe that i've been so blessed in so many ways. I don't deserve it!

I love you Daniel, and I can't wait to keep up this blog while i'm in Paris so you, and everyone else can see what i'm learning in Paris!

*Someone pinch me, maybe i'll wake up!*

Friday, May 4, 2012

Feeling extra sentimental today...

Helloooo world.

It's been a while.. sorry :)

I am feeling so nostalgic today.

I think back on the beginning of my college career as an English major at Georgia Southern. My first real "English Major" class being with a professor that I still despise to this day. I will not say his name, for sake of privacy/politeness. I truly had the worst experience in this class, and wondered if I was cut out to be an English major. His words that still haunt me, "Your grade depends on how I feel when I pick up your paper out of the stack." I don't have enough angry words for this comment.

The next semester I took an Intro to Literature course which was the beginning of pure happiness throughout my college career. I met some people that I know will be in my life forever.

Jeanell, the girl who decided to talk to me because she overheard my angry rants about the law firm I worked for. She constantly makes me laugh and provides a lot of encouragement! We spent many nights sitting around in my apartment or hers discussing life, and school.

 Melissa, even though it took us a little longer to start hanging out we had an instant bond. I'm so thankful to have such a caring, gracious person in my life. From nights of complete chaos, to nights of just lounging around reading books for class, there was never a boring moment.

Ashley, I know you're suppose to be graduating, but I'm so happy you won't be leaving me! I'm so happy I got to know you. I'm thankful for all the nights spent at your house studying for British Literature or Shakespeare. What would I do without you? You are always so kind to me and I'm thankful for you!

Caila, I wish that we would have met earlier! You are such a fun person to be around! I know I speak for everyone when I say we are so happy to call you our friend! I'll never forget being on Wilmington Island with you and Melissa. That WHOLE entire day was wonderful. I would not change a thing, not even the tornado!

Jennifer,  you're so intelligent and we all know you will go so far in life. Congratulations on being accepted to New Paltz! Aside from being smart, what would we do without your inappropriate comments every now and then? Thank you for being you, and for being my friend!

I wish I could go into more detail about how much these girls mean to me, but I may cry. Each one of them has a special place in my heart. I hope we can all stay in touch. I truly wish I could just postpone graduation, because I will  be lost without study nights, or girl nights!

To my sweet, caring boyfriend whom I will miss just as much, you have been there for me through all my stress, snappy attitudes, and tears. You're a strong person for dealing with me, and I'm so lucky to  have you in my life. Daniel, I love you and I will always love you.

To everyone graduating, you are all so amazing and will do great things with your life! Just don't forget about me while your off doing wonderful things, and come back for my graduation in December! :)

"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."— Ralph Waldo Emerson